Vasanthie Maharaj

Vassie has experience in social performance reviews, due diligences, and audits. Her experience spans projects in the mining, industrial, infrastructure, agricultural, energy, and oil and gas sectors, as well as for government policy development, environmental permitting, and environmental awareness and capacity building. 

Vassie has led and advised on numerous projects in South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Zanzibar, Mozambique, Botswana, Zambia, Sierra Leone, Yemen, Indonesia, and Mauritius. She has vast experience in working in diverse and remote locations, across cultural and language boundaries. 

Vassie is a qualified Bonsucro Level 3 (2016) Lead Auditor (MAY16RSA06). She has been involved in environmental and social assessments in the sugar industry (mills and farms), and undertaken social performance reviews against applicable national legislation, good international industry practice and lender requirements.